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| bsmcall =儿子(D1)-克RT n(D2)
其中D1 = [Ln(S0 / K)+(R +∑∑∑2 / 2)] /,D2 = D1,n(x)为尺度正态分布的散布函数。从BSM模型中不难发现,标的资产价格的S0,欧式看涨期权的行权价格的K,无危险利率和R选项T残余期限是已知的,二元期权交易高手,可以直接察看到的准确值,从目前的市场。但资产波动率的BSM底层模型中的参数,不能直接从市场取得的。

| BSM(IV)= pmarket |
| pmarket它是期权市场报价。BSM是一个非线性方程和波动,波动的解析表白式是不存在的,所以我们须要使用数值办法(如二分法)求解方程。|


what is the option implied volatility
seventy's of last century, FisherBlack, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton made a significant breakthrough in the field of option pricing, which derived the option pricing model of Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model. The BSM model was put forward, has received a great deal of attention, and even lead to the second revolution of Wall Street "". Although some scholars believe that the BSM model with some assumptions about the market is too strong will make the model failure, but the BSM model which contains the "no arbitrage" thought, directly influenced the development of later decades option pricing field.
for the European call option pricing theory, BSM model is given as:
BSMcall=S0N (D1) -Ke-rT N (D2)
Among them
, d1=[ln (S0/K) + (r+ sigma sigma Sigma 2/2) T]/, d2=d1-, N (x) for the distribution function of the standard normal distribution. From the BSM model is not difficult to find, the price of the underlying asset S0, European call option exercise price of K, the risk free interest rate and the remaining term of R option T is known, can be directly observed the exact values from the current market. But asset fluctuations about the underlying rate of BSM in the model parameter and can not be obtained directly from the market.
in the actual transactions, traders will generally use the implied volatility (Implied Volatility) to describe the volatility of the underlying asset status. For option pricing model is given, the implied volatility is the instruction model gives theoretical pricing and the actual price equal volatility. If the use of our BSM model of option pricing, then the implied volatility Sigma IV should satisfy:
BSM (IV) =Pmarket
Pmarket which is the option market quotation. BSM is a nonlinear equation on volatility, and the analytical expression of volatility does not exist, so we need to use numerical methods (such as dichotomy) solving the equation.

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