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in all financial derivatives, options trading is favored by investors, and an important reason is that the option has a unique charm of volatility trading. As everyone knows, the prediction of an asset or a financial price trend is difficult, but if the prediction of financial asset price easier. Compared to the forecast price trend forecast and spread, predictive asset price volatility is much easier for investors to grasp.
however, volatility forecast entry is easy to difficult to master. In several influence factors of option pricing, it is only the most difficult to determine the rate of fluctuation. Do futures, stock trading people know, using the historical trend to confirm the trend of the future is a very common method of analysis and trading in options, but in most of the events, historical volatility cannot be replicated in volatility in the future, that is to say the historical volatility and the implied volatility is not an indicator. In addition, even if the subject matter in option prices do not change, but the option implied volatility will change considerably.
a place in the America option market the true story of a perfect interpretation of the option volatility charm.

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