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premium is the option contract is the market price, the option buyer give in order to get the contract rights, to the option seller consideration paid. When it comes to royalty, have to mention the option's intrinsic value and time value.
The intrinsic value of the

The intrinsic value of the
option is determined by the relationship between the exercise price and option contracts in the securities market price, said the option buyer can follow the better than the existing market price conditions buy or sell the underlying securities income part. For example, if the underlying security's current price is 67 yuan, then the subscription option exercise price is 65 yuan, its intrinsic value is 2 yuan.
The intrinsic value of the
option is the reflection of real valued degree from option itself part of the royalty, so only the intrinsic value of real option value only, and virtual value option has no intrinsic value, intrinsic value can only be positive or 0 options.
Time value of the

the time value of the option is right gold beyond the intrinsic value of the. As mentioned before the exercise price of 65 yuan subscription option, assuming that the contract price is 3 yuan, then, the intrinsic value of 3 yuan minus 2 yuan, is the time value of the contract.
if an option contract time value of 0, that has expired. If the price of 2 yuan to buy a * * * the right price for 65 yuan subscription option exercise and directly and immediately, 67 yuan to buy the underlying securities to achieve the effect is the same.

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